'And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not:
'Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy
which will be to all people,
Unto you is born this day
a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.'
Luke 2:11
Christmas Blessings to all our dear family, friends and customers~
Thank you for your support and patronage...and for being such an integral part of our lives...both in and out of the studio~
Carol, Rosie and the Staff at RoseCreekCottage Studios~
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
~Candy Cane Kisses and Christmas Dreams~
Orders are all out....Christmas shopping is done...on to finish the baking and the wrapping today. These cookies are the BEST new cookie recipe Rosie and I have found. The Hershey's candy cane kisses themselves are sinfully delicious. Try them!
Have a beautiful Thursday-Before-Christmas~ Carol and Rosie
Cane Candy Kisses
1 bag Hershey;s Kisses brand Candy Cane Kisses
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 egg
2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons milk
Red and Green colored sugar
Preheat over to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove wrappers from
candies (approx. 35)
Beat butter, sugar, vanilla, and egg in large bowl until
well blended. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; add alternatively with
milk to butter mixture, beating until well blended.
Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Roll in red and/or green
colored sugar. Place on ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 8 - 1o minutes or until edges are lightly browned and
cookies is set. Remove from oven; cool 2 to 3 minutes. Press candy piece into
center of each cookie. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely.
Yields approximately 35 cookies.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
~Can You Feel It?~
It's almost Christmas. We're finishing up the last of the orders....cookies are baked....trees are up...and today, finally: Christmas shopping! Can you feel it??
Friday, December 14, 2012
~Of Protein and Caffeine and Chocolate Oh My~
This is what keeps me going these days. Without what you see in the photo I wouldn't be able to keep up the pace of these 16 hr. days in the studio. Katie and Fannie had frozen the last of their berries from the garden in our freezer, and I woke up to fresh berry shakes one morning. Delicious!
What you don't see: lots of coffee, chocolate, Aleve...and the laughter of two little amish girls helping me make it through these very long days and nights!
We're wading through the last few hundred orders, intent on getting all of them shipped by Wednesday, Dec. 19th. I need to sleep at least 3 hours or the migraines hit with a vengeance. So far...so good.
Two trees are finally up....some cookies baked....no shopping done....next week......
So...Happy Friday wherever you are in the world~
Carol and Rosie
What you don't see: lots of coffee, chocolate, Aleve...and the laughter of two little amish girls helping me make it through these very long days and nights!
We're wading through the last few hundred orders, intent on getting all of them shipped by Wednesday, Dec. 19th. I need to sleep at least 3 hours or the migraines hit with a vengeance. So far...so good.
Two trees are finally up....some cookies baked....no shopping done....next week......
So...Happy Friday wherever you are in the world~
Carol and Rosie
Sunday, December 2, 2012
~First Sunday In December~
~Coffee with Jim to plan our week
~Mass....Advent. Saying great prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessings that God bestowed on us in November
~A stop at the Antiques Shoppe in town to purchase a special surprise for
our grandbabies
~Baking Christmas Cookies....filling the house with smells of home, my
children, and long-ago childhood Christmases
~Christmas music all day
~Dancing with Rosie: her tongue comes out & you can just SEE her smile
~A fire and hot chocolate
~A day OUT of the studio....just for today: rest. Thank you, God~
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Quiet. Magical. Prayerful. Peaceful. Thankful. Beautiful.
Rosie and I are already in the studio working on orders. Have the kind of day you wish for~ xoxox
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Rosie and Emilia say you can take 10% off using coupon code: CYBER12 today only on Grandma's website!
Happy Shopping~
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
~Welcome Thanksgiving 2012~
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. Psalm 100:4
To turkey and stuffing, FAMILY, grandbabies....and lots of craziness as we wade through piles of orders in between the fatigue and the blessings...the laughter of my sweet staff, and the blessing of a husband who pitches in as soon as he steps through the door after HIS 12-hour day at work....in the studio, the kitchen and the laundry room. He is my greatest blessing. I thank God for him each and every day. He is the epitome of what a great human being is, and I am lucky to get to share life with him~
To all my dear customers: the old, the new, and the future....may you enjoy the Blessings of Thanksgiving, however you spend it~
Carol & Rosie and the Staff at RoseCreekCottage xo
To turkey and stuffing, FAMILY, grandbabies....and lots of craziness as we wade through piles of orders in between the fatigue and the blessings...the laughter of my sweet staff, and the blessing of a husband who pitches in as soon as he steps through the door after HIS 12-hour day at work....in the studio, the kitchen and the laundry room. He is my greatest blessing. I thank God for him each and every day. He is the epitome of what a great human being is, and I am lucky to get to share life with him~
To all my dear customers: the old, the new, and the future....may you enjoy the Blessings of Thanksgiving, however you spend it~
Carol & Rosie and the Staff at RoseCreekCottage xo
Thursday, November 15, 2012
~Thankful For My Glass~
~Thoughts of the many blessings to be thankful for. Every year there are more and more things I'm so grateful for. God is so good!
~The anticipation of the first snowfall....always brings memories of snowsuits, mittens, building snowmen, Christmas lists and waiting for Santa!
~Fear and excitement for the barrage of jewelry orders that flood the inbox. You hope and pray for them...and when they come and you can't leave the computer because they're coming in so fast that you keep printing and printing them...answering emails....remembering the 'special details' customers add in emails after they've ordered...Oh My!!
I ended up sitting in church Sunday morning, praying that God will give me the energy I need to get through the next 6 weeks. With a compromised immune system, Graves Disease....my brain runs a hundred-miles-an-hour...but my body gets to a point that it screams, "Whooooaaaaaa. I need to rest". Try getting that across to a woman who's a professed workaholic, A-Type personality who loves what she does. I faithfully pop vitamins, protein shakes, veggies....but when my body screams at me...I've finally learned to listen, sit down with a cup of tea or coffee, and breathe.
So this morning my wish for each of you is that you take the time to stop, breathe...and be grateful for the glass that you have...appreciating whatever is in it~
~The anticipation of the first snowfall....always brings memories of snowsuits, mittens, building snowmen, Christmas lists and waiting for Santa!
~Fear and excitement for the barrage of jewelry orders that flood the inbox. You hope and pray for them...and when they come and you can't leave the computer because they're coming in so fast that you keep printing and printing them...answering emails....remembering the 'special details' customers add in emails after they've ordered...Oh My!!
I ended up sitting in church Sunday morning, praying that God will give me the energy I need to get through the next 6 weeks. With a compromised immune system, Graves Disease....my brain runs a hundred-miles-an-hour...but my body gets to a point that it screams, "Whooooaaaaaa. I need to rest". Try getting that across to a woman who's a professed workaholic, A-Type personality who loves what she does. I faithfully pop vitamins, protein shakes, veggies....but when my body screams at me...I've finally learned to listen, sit down with a cup of tea or coffee, and breathe.
So this morning my wish for each of you is that you take the time to stop, breathe...and be grateful for the glass that you have...appreciating whatever is in it~
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
~Ghosts and Goblins and Free Shipping Today Only~
Happy Haunting to all my customers! Use Coupon Code BOOFS at checkout on my website only.....today through midnite for Free First Class Shipping~
The Witchy Bear is sold~
The Witchy Bear is sold~
Friday, October 19, 2012
~Freshly-Baked Cookies = Home~
When the boys were still at home, I'd become so busy with my business, that I'd worry that I wasn't 'mothering' them enough. My answer was to bake cookies right before they walked in the door after school, so the house would smell like 'home'. I posted about it here.
"In those days, my boys knew that whenever they smelled freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies when pushing open the back door after school, that their mom was feeling like she wasn’t “mothering” them enough. Their next questions were always: “Oh no. Where are those over-ripe bananas?” or “Do I taste that ‘bran stuff' in these?” Jim bought me the painting you see posted above, at one of the art shows we did. It hangs in the back hall. I'm sorry I cannot read the artist's signature to give her credit. It's beautiful and very meaningful."
Although the boys are now grown and gone....my 'biggest' boy still loves to walk in the back door after work, to the aroma of baking cookies: peanut butter cookies to be exact. They are the recipe from the Better Homes And Gardens Cookbook I got as a gift when we were first married. You can see by my scribbling above the recipe that I wrote (over 40 yrs. ago) 'Jim's favorite'!
Even today, when the cookie jar is empty...Jim always mentions that it 'needs' cookies....so I decided to bake his favorite Peanut Butter Cookies...a double batch, so I can freeze some. As the holidays approach, the orders are already mounting, and I fear I won't have much time to bake cookies in the coming weeks. The house smells wonderful. And I feel satisfied that although I'm not 'mothering' anymore...I'm making my original 'boy' very happy~
"In those days, my boys knew that whenever they smelled freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies when pushing open the back door after school, that their mom was feeling like she wasn’t “mothering” them enough. Their next questions were always: “Oh no. Where are those over-ripe bananas?” or “Do I taste that ‘bran stuff' in these?” Jim bought me the painting you see posted above, at one of the art shows we did. It hangs in the back hall. I'm sorry I cannot read the artist's signature to give her credit. It's beautiful and very meaningful."
Although the boys are now grown and gone....my 'biggest' boy still loves to walk in the back door after work, to the aroma of baking cookies: peanut butter cookies to be exact. They are the recipe from the Better Homes And Gardens Cookbook I got as a gift when we were first married. You can see by my scribbling above the recipe that I wrote (over 40 yrs. ago) 'Jim's favorite'!
Even today, when the cookie jar is empty...Jim always mentions that it 'needs' cookies....so I decided to bake his favorite Peanut Butter Cookies...a double batch, so I can freeze some. As the holidays approach, the orders are already mounting, and I fear I won't have much time to bake cookies in the coming weeks. The house smells wonderful. And I feel satisfied that although I'm not 'mothering' anymore...I'm making my original 'boy' very happy~
Monday, October 15, 2012
~October Blessings and Prayers~
Fall is so beautiful here in the midwest. Although there's a chill in the air, the brilliant colored leaves on the trees make it SO worth knowing that winter is on its heels.
~Heaven welcomed a new angel yesterday: my dear Uncle Augie, my mom's brother. God decided to take him home, very unexpectedly yesterday morning. I can just imagine the celebrations there as he was greeted by other family members. Our family will celebrate his life this week.
~We're half-way through October, and so far..... no pneumonia for this gal. Blessings for sure~
~Missing and NOT missing Art Shows! Small blessings, for sure when I realize that these last two outdoor shows who many of my artist friends still participate in were VERY cold and rainy~
~Grateful that now Katie comes very regularly...and Fannie will be coming along with her quite soon.
~Thankful, again, that on these crisp fall days, I can do business tasks and studio time in my jamas. (a huge THANK YOU, Lord)~
~Enjoying cups of hot apple cider (spiced, from Trader Joe's) and mugs of hot Pumpkin Spice coffee....hmmmmmm good~
~Secure in knowing that my kids and grandkids are safe and happy living good lives. We are ALL so blessed. Again: THANK YOU, Lord~
~Sweater and Poncho weather is upon us!! Yippeee~
Rosie and I are off to the studio. Have an October Monday filled with prayers and blessings~ Carol and Rosie xo
Friday, October 12, 2012
~Happy Friday~
We've had quite a busy past two weeks: celebrated 5 family birthdays, including that of our precious grandson, Jackson, who turned 5. He is such a dear little boy. He reminds me so much of his father, my son, Jeff....though he also has much of his mommy in him, too. He's a lucky little guy!
In addition to all the birthday celebrations, my cousin, Ralph, married his long-time girlfriend, Kathy. We loved her from the start....but Ralph was a confirmed bachelor who finally, at age 46, saw that he'd better not risk losing the beautiful woman in his life. They are perfect together! The kids and grandkids came into town for the wedding, and I was so happy to visit with all of them and the other family members that I didn't take any pictures...so I'm including their beautiful engagement photo!

In addition to lots of studio time, new creations, and fall walks with Rosie....it's been a beautiful fall. Hoping you enjoy all fall's wonders wherever you are in the world~ Carol and Rosie
Thursday, October 4, 2012
~Aches, Pains and Smiles~

It's damp here in the midwest. Snow this weekend? As I grow older, the aches and pains from the dampness make moving in the morning more and more difficult....even though my brain cannot wrap itself around the actual 'number' age I am! So, coffee in hand....as I clicked onto FB this morning, I found this glorious photo of my youngest grandbaby, Emilia, posted by my son. All-of-a-sudden the aches were gone, replaced by a giant smile on my face......for I will get to hold her and my other grandbabies this weekend. A REAL reason that makes all I'm doing worth it!
Heading into the studio this morning, I have lots of new designs to list, including the little beauty shown here. It can be purchased with any number of wee tags you need....it can be found on my website.
Rosie and I are off to the studio to photograph more new creations. Hope you're having a glorious fall Thursday, wherever you are in the world~
Saturday, September 29, 2012
~Oh It's Saturday: Harvest Moon and A Coupon Code~
I know I'm aging myself, but does anyone else remember the Little Rascal's Saturday Song that Spanky used to sing? It goes, "It's Saturday, oh it's Saturday......Hi Ni Ninny and a Hot Cha Cha"? Well...that's the way I'm feeling today!! So.....the last Coupon Code on my website for a while, in honor of Spanky, Saturday, and the Harvest Moon. Use Coupon Code BLESSED on my website, only: www.rosecreekcottage.com for 10% on your order through tomorrow, once you "Like" us on FB!
(the 29th) is the Full Harvest Moon, which is the full Moon nearest to the
autumnal equinox. Did you know: For several nights near the full Harvest Moon,
there is an abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening, a traditional
aid to harvest crews. It’s traditionally very beautiful. Don’t miss it!
We're having some dear dear friends for dinner tonite....October is in the air.....It's Saturday. Life is good!
Blessings to each of you this cool crisp autumn Saturday~
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
~Of Spaghetti and Prayers~
At this point in my life, cooking and baking have become very nostalgic and soothing. The other thing that is a 'soul-soother' is prayer. Along with my daily prayers, I say at least one rosary. A friend told me about the free rosary CD's available from Catholic City.com. It's a life-saver whenever I get in the car. The CD play button is the first thing I hit as I'm backing out of the garage. The entire rosary takes a mere 20 min. I always have lots of extras on hand in my purse, kitchen and car...and I cannot tell you how many I've given away, to friends and acquaintances who also love Mary the way I do.
So, Sunday was the perfect time to turn the Rosary CD on in the kitchen, as I began to recreate my Mom's wonderfully rich Italian Sauce! I mentioned it on FB, and so many people commented and emailed me for the recipe, I've decided to post it here. It's as close as I can come to a written recipe...for after 40+ years of making it, I do literally 'throw' it together, tasting it as I go, just like Mom did. And of course, it wouldn't taste the way it does without adding pork neckbones, sweet italian sausage...and the wonderful to-die-for meatballs cooking in the sauce along with it. Ive added that recipe below, too.
And so, I cooked, tasted, prayed the rosary....and cried. Good tears. Tears of thanksgiving. Streaming tears of childhood memories...of Mom...my Nonna....and home. Tears that I hope will be 'good tears' someday as my sons (both of whom LOVE to cook) will recreate this recipe, cry and pray the rosary in their own kitchens long after I'm gone~
Mom's Italian Sauce
3 large cans tomato sauce (28 oz)
2 cloves garlic
1/4 c. olive oil
2-3 pork neckbones for flavor
1 1/2 lbs. sweet italian sausage cut into 3-4" pieces
1 tsp. basil (I use fresh summer, frozen in winter)
1-2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 c. grated parmesan cheese
1/2 c. sugar (my addition...not mom's...seems to cut the acidity)
3/4 c. water added while it's cooking...may need a bit more
In lg. pot, saute garlic in olive oil. Add pork neckbones and sweet sausage to brown.
Add remaining ingredients (including meatballs) to pot and simmer for 3 hours.....stirring (and tasting!) lots!
Mom's Italian Meatballs
1 lb. ground chuck
1 egg
1/2 c milk
1/2 cup italian breadcrumbs
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp oregano
1 T. fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 c grated parmesan cheese
Mix all ingredients in bowl with hands. (very important: love)
Roll meatballs a bit larger than golf ball.
Lightly saute meatballs in little bit of olive oil in frying pan.
Drop into sauce.
Let simmer 3 hours.
The sauce is wonderful served on pasta of your choice & freshly-grated parmesan cheese...or for dipping fresh italian bread broken off in 'hunks' while it's cooking. Mangia!!
postscript: leave it to my little italian VEGETARIAN cousin, Debbie, to spot that I had left the sausage ingredient out of the recipe. It's in there now. Deb...your email really cracked me up!! xo
Sunday, September 9, 2012
~Back From the Sea~
What a beautiful time we had by the sea the past two weeks. We met two dear friends we don't see often enough. Laura and I became friends in the 8th grade. We were 13-years-old. We literally 'grew up' together sharing the secrets that teen-aged girls share: secrets of crushes, first kisses, first dates, being 'grounded' by our parents, going off to college. (we both became elementary teachers) After that, we planned our weddings. Laura was MY maid-of-honor, and I was HERS!! She married her high school sweetheart...I married my college sweetheart. Her husband, Rick, ended up in the marines, and they've lived all over the country over the last 40 years. Jim and I went to visit them in most of the places they lived. They ended up in California...we stayed near both our families in Ohio.
Laura's mother died 2 years ago. Up until then, she came in often to visit her mom...and of course, we always had time to visit and 'catch up' with each other. So now...we have to have another plan to get to see each other. We started a new tradition: one year they will meet us on the island.....the next....we'll travel to their home in CA. We had such a nice visit the past week with them: lots of giggling,(Laura emailed a correction "We didn’t giggle; I recall loud guffaws.") still....sharing lives, books, recipes....just like old times! I will miss her dearly until we meet again!
Today's Blessings:
~I thank God for our piece of "Heaven" at our villa on the island.
~For good friends: the old who share our 'history'; the new who share our present lives.
~For memorable vacation time that lingers in our hearts and minds.
~For time away that makes us eager to leave...but happy to return home.
~For the comfort and joy of early mornings in my studio....watching the sun come up with Rosie and coffee~
~For the end of summer and the beginning of autumn....you can just smell the difference in the air~
Happy Monday Blessings to all of you, wherever you are in this world, from me and Rosie, as we head to the studio with a mug of Pumpkin Spice Coffee. Hmmmmmmm.....
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
~Turning Eight~
My sweet granddaughter, Ella, turned eight yesterday. She's in the third grade. Her daddy commented last nite on FB that he couldn't believe it. And that he felt SO old. My comment back to him: "You think YOU feel old? I remember just yesterday that YOU were eight!".
She lives in the world of princesses. Of soccer games. Of best friends. She loves her siblings...although sometimes it may be hard to believe. She loves swimming...the ocean....her parents. She loves art, and sleepovers, and soccer. When asked what she wanted this year for her birthday, she said she is saving money for an ipod touch. sigh. I'm hoping she won't outgrow the princesses and Barbie dolls anytime soon.
And so, we celebrate sweet Ella. All girly-girl, all sweet and innocent. My dear dear Ella....may you stay this way for a very long time~
I love you.
Grandma xoxoxoxox
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
~Wednesday Blessings~
So many blessings....so much to be thankful for. These are my latest ones:
~a visit from my friend, Susie, from Arizona. We met at Browning Elementary School long ago. Susie taught 6th grade....I taught 3rd. We've been friends now for over 40 years. I love her dearly~
~looking forward to a day with my sweet cousin, Diane. There are never enough hours in the day for all we talk about: family, jobs, spirituality, religion.......never enough time...but her visits always makes me look SO forward to the next one~
~walking with Rosie again. Those walks stopped when they were unsure whether my aneurysm could rupture. I was afraid. Not anymore~
~one more "Play Date" with my sister and Poppy before she starts teaching again. sigh. There will still be dinners....but oh how I'll miss the 'girl talk' with her...the giggling, the silliness.....the memories of Mom and Dad....and Dan...that make us smile....and remember~
~cooler temperatures and less need for watering the perennials. YAY~
~adding even more days in the studio with help from Katie and Fannie, as the orders have started mounting more quickly this year even before Fall sets in~
~feeling SO blessed. Thank you, God!
Those are my blessings this Wednesday. What are yours???
~a visit from my friend, Susie, from Arizona. We met at Browning Elementary School long ago. Susie taught 6th grade....I taught 3rd. We've been friends now for over 40 years. I love her dearly~
~looking forward to a day with my sweet cousin, Diane. There are never enough hours in the day for all we talk about: family, jobs, spirituality, religion.......never enough time...but her visits always makes me look SO forward to the next one~
~walking with Rosie again. Those walks stopped when they were unsure whether my aneurysm could rupture. I was afraid. Not anymore~
~one more "Play Date" with my sister and Poppy before she starts teaching again. sigh. There will still be dinners....but oh how I'll miss the 'girl talk' with her...the giggling, the silliness.....the memories of Mom and Dad....and Dan...that make us smile....and remember~
~cooler temperatures and less need for watering the perennials. YAY~
~adding even more days in the studio with help from Katie and Fannie, as the orders have started mounting more quickly this year even before Fall sets in~
~feeling SO blessed. Thank you, God!
Those are my blessings this Wednesday. What are yours???
Monday, August 13, 2012
Shifting Gears~
I had been ‘shifting’ through life in the same gear for a
long time. Ten years to be exact. Those ‘shift’ of gears revolved around my
Mom. I was shifting in the same gear day-after-day, year-after-year. It was
comfortable. But now I find I can’t rely on that same gear any longer. The
landscape flew by way too quickly during those years. The busyness of my
business, raising my sons, and caring for mom took all my time.The gear was 'stuck'.
Shifting gears in my life these days has been difficult. Mom’s
death was a HUGE bump in the road for me. The days that no longer involve that
mid-day visit to go see her is causing sadness and much ‘guilt’ as I’m
realizing that in addition to missing it….I’m easily filling those time slots
with other ‘things’. Not that those ‘things’
are bad. I can more easily fit in work time and even some casual ‘friend’ time
into my days that I couldn’t…or didn’t….fit into them before. I can easily fit in exercise time, and
time….. on the deck, curled up in my cushy floral chair, or in the hammock with Rosie. Shifting gears may not be
so bad after all. Would I like to ‘shift’ back into the old gears with my Mom?
Absolutely. But I no longer have that choice. So….shifting forward…and at times
slower….is a good thing!
Wishing you a beautiful Monday of “shifting gears”, and slowing down along the
way to admire the landscape~
Carol and Rosie xoxoxo
Carol and Rosie xoxoxo
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
~August Blessings~
Each year, August brings so many blessings to my life...
~Sweet grandchildren who are "Instant Sunshine".....always~
~Hearing from 'old' friends again (debbie s.....love you!)
~Tanned toes.
~Freshly squeezed lemonade.
~Iced coffee.
~LOTS of zucchini: breads, fritters, casseroles....yum!
~Sweet corn and juicy tomatoes straight from Katie's garden.
~Perennial gardens filled with beautiful blossoms, in spite of this summer's dry heat! Watering morning and nite soothes the soul and lets the mind wander to long-ago childhood memories.
~Missing Mom, but finally at peace with knowing she is in a better place....waiting for us.
~Having time to entertain again....and spending hot summer days with friends.
~Afternoon puppy 'Play Dates' with Rosie, my sister and Poppy. LOVE them...xoxxoxoox~
~Icy cold, seedless watermelon.
~Time in the hammock with Rosie and my stack of summer books
~Fields of sunflowers blooming all over the midwest echoing God's great Glory~
~Just 'being here'....healthy, happy, blessed.
Have a glorious August Day wherever you are in the world......Carol and Rosie~
~Sweet grandchildren who are "Instant Sunshine".....always~
~Hearing from 'old' friends again (debbie s.....love you!)
~Tanned toes.
~Freshly squeezed lemonade.
~Iced coffee.
~LOTS of zucchini: breads, fritters, casseroles....yum!
~Sweet corn and juicy tomatoes straight from Katie's garden.
~Perennial gardens filled with beautiful blossoms, in spite of this summer's dry heat! Watering morning and nite soothes the soul and lets the mind wander to long-ago childhood memories.
~Missing Mom, but finally at peace with knowing she is in a better place....waiting for us.
~Having time to entertain again....and spending hot summer days with friends.
~Afternoon puppy 'Play Dates' with Rosie, my sister and Poppy. LOVE them...xoxxoxoox~
~Icy cold, seedless watermelon.
~Time in the hammock with Rosie and my stack of summer books
~Fields of sunflowers blooming all over the midwest echoing God's great Glory~
~Just 'being here'....healthy, happy, blessed.
Have a glorious August Day wherever you are in the world......Carol and Rosie~
Friday, July 27, 2012
~What Happens In the OR.....~
It's so easy to just 'mush' your way through life.....day-to-day, rolling along on your own 'schedule', whether it be a day of work or play....weekday or weekend day.....day you're looking forward to.....or not. Before you know it, it's another week, month, year later. And the older you get, the faster it flies.
Life was going along just that way for me. Life without Mom was getting a bit easier as the days went by. Until Wednesday. An unexpected surgery threw me right into, "I need my Mom" mode. Just that quickly.
To backtrack a bit...the winter-before last, during a bout with pneumonia that my lungs just wouldn't let go of, my dr. sent me for a chest x-ray. Plain ol' chest x-ray. Nothing unusual. Just to see what was going on. Well....he called to say he had good news and bad news: the good: my lungs were fine; the bad: they saw "something" near my pancreas or spleen. So....more tests. Conclusion: I had a splenic artery aneurysm. Many ultrasounds and CAT scans later.....the vascular surgeon "thought" is was totally encapsulated with no blood flow. A good thing, as when these rupture, death is the result. FYI: there are no telling symptoms like there are with brain or heart aneurysms. So......he would check it again. And guess what: he thought he detected bloodflow this time.
I went in Wed. for an "embolization" of the aneurysm. Terrified. Reassured that I'd be totally asleep. Well....they lied. I was WIDE awake. Granted, I was in no pain....but waiting the entire time for the "good stuff" that would put me out. It didn't come!! Seems they needed me to hold my breath at times. Hmmm.
At one point, I said I was bored....and asked if it was okay if I sang a few songs! Anyone who knows me knows that that is NOT something I would normally volunteer to do. But sang I did: nursery rhymes and church hymns. Afterward I was feeling uncomfortably embarrassed, when a sweet nurse whispered in my ear, "Honey...what happens in the OR, STAYS in the OR"!!
Outcome: the aneurysm was totally encapsulated, so no embolization was needed. Seems my body had already 'rerouted' the blood through a new path into the artery. I cannot tell you how relieved I was when the surgeon told me. I immediately clasped my hands and started saying prayers of thanksgiving...right there in the OR.
Wheeled back into recovery to lay flat for the next 4 hours....I thought to myself: As soon as I can sit up I need to call Mom. She'll be worried. And then I remembered where she was. And that she already knew.
So now, 5 days of doing nothin'....reading books.....cuddling with Rosie....and saying MANY prayers of thanksgiving for talented surgeons, diagnostic machines....and chest x-rays!! Count your blessings!
Life was going along just that way for me. Life without Mom was getting a bit easier as the days went by. Until Wednesday. An unexpected surgery threw me right into, "I need my Mom" mode. Just that quickly.
To backtrack a bit...the winter-before last, during a bout with pneumonia that my lungs just wouldn't let go of, my dr. sent me for a chest x-ray. Plain ol' chest x-ray. Nothing unusual. Just to see what was going on. Well....he called to say he had good news and bad news: the good: my lungs were fine; the bad: they saw "something" near my pancreas or spleen. So....more tests. Conclusion: I had a splenic artery aneurysm. Many ultrasounds and CAT scans later.....the vascular surgeon "thought" is was totally encapsulated with no blood flow. A good thing, as when these rupture, death is the result. FYI: there are no telling symptoms like there are with brain or heart aneurysms. So......he would check it again. And guess what: he thought he detected bloodflow this time.
I went in Wed. for an "embolization" of the aneurysm. Terrified. Reassured that I'd be totally asleep. Well....they lied. I was WIDE awake. Granted, I was in no pain....but waiting the entire time for the "good stuff" that would put me out. It didn't come!! Seems they needed me to hold my breath at times. Hmmm.
At one point, I said I was bored....and asked if it was okay if I sang a few songs! Anyone who knows me knows that that is NOT something I would normally volunteer to do. But sang I did: nursery rhymes and church hymns. Afterward I was feeling uncomfortably embarrassed, when a sweet nurse whispered in my ear, "Honey...what happens in the OR, STAYS in the OR"!!
Outcome: the aneurysm was totally encapsulated, so no embolization was needed. Seems my body had already 'rerouted' the blood through a new path into the artery. I cannot tell you how relieved I was when the surgeon told me. I immediately clasped my hands and started saying prayers of thanksgiving...right there in the OR.
Wheeled back into recovery to lay flat for the next 4 hours....I thought to myself: As soon as I can sit up I need to call Mom. She'll be worried. And then I remembered where she was. And that she already knew.
So now, 5 days of doing nothin'....reading books.....cuddling with Rosie....and saying MANY prayers of thanksgiving for talented surgeons, diagnostic machines....and chest x-rays!! Count your blessings!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
~Welcome Poppy Grace~
My sister and her DH had to say good-bye to their sweet Rascal boy...and they didn't waste any time at all in welcoming a new little puppy into their lives. Introducing their precious Poppy Grace! She's all girl.....all puppy...and certainly all beautiful. Kathy's reliving the joys of 'puppyhood' via this little ball of energy and fur. I have to say that she's one of the prettiest dogs I've ever seen. Her face looks like a little Boyd's bear. She's just adorable. She and Rosie will spend many days this summer getting to know each other well, so they can visit with each other when their mommys travel!
When we went to meet Poppy for the first time, we made a wonderful peach pie that we 're-Christened' "Poppy's Peach Pie" in her honor. It's a delicious recipe that's so good, I have to share it with all of you!
~Poppy's Peach Pie~
When we went to meet Poppy for the first time, we made a wonderful peach pie that we 're-Christened' "Poppy's Peach Pie" in her honor. It's a delicious recipe that's so good, I have to share it with all of you!
~Poppy's Peach Pie~
- 1 Can (29 oz) Yellow Cling Peaches in Heavy Syrup, drained
- 2 heaping tablespoons all purpose flour
- 1 Cup Sugar
- 3 Eggs
- 1/3 Cup Buttermilk
- 1/2 Cup Butter or Margarine, Melted
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla
- 1 deep dish pie shell, unbaked
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- Place peaches in bottom of pie shell.
- In mixing bowl combine all other ingredients and mix with whisk until well combined.
- Pour over peaches.
- Place pie on baking sheet and bake at 350 for forty minutes, or until the middle doesn’t jiggle when moved.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
~Happy 4th of July~
Happy 4th of July! In celebration, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on our website! Use coupon code Fire Cracker at checkout for Free Shipping. (not available on Etsy....our website only!)
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
~Healing From the Inside Out~

It's such a funny thing, this healing process. I truly believed it would be easy. After all...isn't Mom where she belongs? I hope so. But the problem is that I've known exactly where she was every minute of every day for the past 10 years. And now....although my faithful heart is telling me that I DO know where she is now, like Thomas, I wanted signs.
Six years ago, when Mom was still here in our home with us, I had her promise me she'd send me a 'sign' after she passed away. She was puzzled as to what kind of 'sign' this should be. "Something that means something to the two of us, Mom. You'll think of something. But don't send it in the middle of the night and scare me, okay?" And as only my mother could she said, "Well....if I'm allowed"!!! AND....she did send me a sign. The same sign. Three days in-a-row.....the three days following her funeral...and all three ONLY when my sister and I were talking on the phone.
But....as several of my friends said to me: I'm tough. I wanted more. So I began talking and pleading with my brother and father, both of whom had passed away 10 years ago. And, I received a sign from each of them.
So...my healing should begin, right? Wrong. I have this unsettled feeling in my stomach. A hole in my heart. A void that I don't like. One that I know can never be filled again here on earth. So I meditate. And I pray. And I read the ever-growing stack of books to try and understand why I feel this hole. So for now, the best I can do is to just 'Believe'.
Blessings to you all this beautiful summer day in June~
Monday, June 4, 2012
~Monday Blessings: Home Is Best~

We returned Saturday from the island. Our time there was one of our best. I slept the first 3 days there, exhausted from the last weeks with Mom, and the funeral. After that, we sat by the sea, eating many meals there talking and just staring at the ocean. Biking with Rosie tucked into my basket......shopping at Shelter Cove, Coligny and Harbor Town......missing the kids and grandbabies! Our dear BIL and SIL drove up from FL for a two-day visit. We always have such fun with them: endless talking, eating and laughing.....wiping tears.....memories.
We bought a new frig for the villa....new tv's, new rugs.....new outdoor furniture. It felt good to be busy....and wonderful to stare at the sea remembering Mom and all the memories we have of her down there with us....as well as at home. I still burst into tears at the oddest times...but Jim (and Rosie) are offering their hugs...and letting me have my own 'space' and time alone when needed. I love them both for that.
Although I think this time I could have stayed there forever....it was comforting to walk through the door of 'Home', to all our surrounding comforts....and the many mementos of where we've been on this journey through life. The gardens are overflowing with blossoms....the roses lush and beautiful....the daylilies ready to explode with orange and yellow. Home, after all, is best~
So, today.....we're back in the studio catching up on orders before Katie arrives to help on Wednesday. This new 'schedule' without seeing Mom is very strange. Odd, really. Not very comforting, although I hope the new-found freedom will eventually bring smiles instead of tears. I know it will just take time.
If any of you have not found Elizabeth Foss's blog, In the Heart Of My Home, you're missing out on some wonderful writing. I've been following Elizabeth for quite some time, and didn't even realize that her sweet husband had purchased one of my necklaces for her for Mother's Day! I am a permanent sponsor of hers, as I think her writings as a young mother are invaluable. I began saying some of her Daily Prayers a while ago....and find that they, along with her list of Decalogues for Daily Living start my day on just the right note. Take a peak. You can find them on the sidebar at the right of her blog!
My Monday Blessings today include all my friends and family who are continually checking up on me to see how I'm doing now without Mom. I love each and every one of you. You know who you are~xoxoxoxoxox
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
~Kisses and Pink Roses: A Send-Off~
Family and friends gathered on Mother's Day to say their final good-byes to a beautiful lady. She had a send-off she'd have been so proud of.
I thought I was ready for this. I had been praying for a very long time that God take her home....away from the misery she was suffering. But I was not. The last few days have been very teary ones. I've driven in my car screaming at the the top of my lungs, demanding that Mom tell me that she is okay. Pleading to my dad and brother, Dan, that they let me know that she arrived safely, and is with them. So far.....only a deafening silence from the heavens. But I will be patient and wait.
We got in the car the morning of the funeral....and I told Jim to wait, as I'd forgotten something: my cell phone. "What if Governor's Village calls?" I said. He just looked at me with sad eyes. Oh yes....she's no longer there.
The weeks ahead will be hard ones. My days consisted of working mornings in the studio til 11:00, then jumping in the car to go feed mom. Though those visits interrupted my busy workdays, I already miss them.
My Uncle Joe, mom's 'baby' brother (he's 83) has called me everyday around 9:00 for the past 5 1/2 years to talk about who would be visiting mom that day. He assured me that those calls will not stop. And they haven't. I love my Uncle Joe with all my heart and soul. He's been my 'rock' with mom both while she was in the nursing home, and here with us. I love you, Uncle Joe....but you already know that!
So, Mom, I hope you saw your beautiful send-off. Saw your children's, grandchildren and little great-grandchldren's tears as well as smiles as they remembered life here on earth with you, and talking about all the happy good times with a mother, sister, aunt, MIL, SIL, grandmother, great-grandmother who taught us all the true meaning of family love.
To Heaven and Back Mom! Kisses and Pink Roses~
I thought I was ready for this. I had been praying for a very long time that God take her home....away from the misery she was suffering. But I was not. The last few days have been very teary ones. I've driven in my car screaming at the the top of my lungs, demanding that Mom tell me that she is okay. Pleading to my dad and brother, Dan, that they let me know that she arrived safely, and is with them. So far.....only a deafening silence from the heavens. But I will be patient and wait.
We got in the car the morning of the funeral....and I told Jim to wait, as I'd forgotten something: my cell phone. "What if Governor's Village calls?" I said. He just looked at me with sad eyes. Oh yes....she's no longer there.
The weeks ahead will be hard ones. My days consisted of working mornings in the studio til 11:00, then jumping in the car to go feed mom. Though those visits interrupted my busy workdays, I already miss them.
My Uncle Joe, mom's 'baby' brother (he's 83) has called me everyday around 9:00 for the past 5 1/2 years to talk about who would be visiting mom that day. He assured me that those calls will not stop. And they haven't. I love my Uncle Joe with all my heart and soul. He's been my 'rock' with mom both while she was in the nursing home, and here with us. I love you, Uncle Joe....but you already know that!
So, Mom, I hope you saw your beautiful send-off. Saw your children's, grandchildren and little great-grandchldren's tears as well as smiles as they remembered life here on earth with you, and talking about all the happy good times with a mother, sister, aunt, MIL, SIL, grandmother, great-grandmother who taught us all the true meaning of family love.
To Heaven and Back Mom! Kisses and Pink Roses~
Thursday, May 10, 2012
~One Last Cup of Coffee~
Mom passed away peacefully Wednesday morning. I missed her
actual passing by about 6 minutes. I know God meant it to be that way. And
although I had been praying very hard for God to take her home and end her
suffering, there is a sadness of loss I feel that I didn’t expect.
Today was the first day of my life without my mom. She was with me from the moment of my birth, every day of my life. Until today. It’s a feeling of loss like none I have ever felt before. A huge void.
The one thing I CAN say is that I am very happy for her. She
is no longer in pain. No longer suffering from the humiliation of having others
care for her every need. No longer enduring ‘pureed’ foods and wearing diapers. No
longer unable to talk and let others know her needs. No longer unable to walk.
And as much as I will miss her dearly, I have a peace and a
calmness in knowing that I have no regrets when it comes to my mom. I did whatever I could for the woman who
carried me for 9 months, changed my diapers, fed and clothed me. As the rolls
reversed over theses past years, I came to realize what real love for my
mother, and vice-versa is: it’s unconditional. It’s putting aside your own
feelings for the other person. And my mother taught me exactly how to do that only too well.
I will miss her smiles. Her hugs. Her touch. I will miss
just being there with her.
I was lucky enough to be able to spend time alone at my
mother’s bedside after she died. One of the sweet aides brought in a fresh pot of
coffee….and I poured a cup, and shared a last cup with my mother. Very bittersweet. It will have
to last me until we share a cup of coffee again....in heaven~
cup of coffee,
mom's passing,
Monday, May 7, 2012
~Journey Home~
My dear mother has begun her journey home to our Lord. Hospice is here. Please understand that I will return your convos and emails as I can. Orders are either on their way, or being worked on by the girls. Anything ordered this week will not ship until next week. Thank you for understanding. Please say some prayers that she arrives in heaven quickly and painlessly~
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
~May Blessings~
I can't believe it's May already! April was a whirlwind in AND out of the studio. Lots of commotion at RoseCreekCottage Studios: we've added more help to keep up with all the Mother's Day orders. You still have time to place your order. Use coupon code MD12 on our website (doesn't work on Etsy) and get free first class shipping in the continental USA.
We celebrated Emilia's 2nd birthday this past weekend. It's hard to believe this little ball of girly-energy is already two years old. She's just precious. Loves her babydolls, strawberries, and shoes. What can I say? She's truly a girl after her Grandma's heart!!
I had my dear friend Karen for coffee. It's always so good to catch up with an old friend. So many memories~
Another friend, fellow doll-artist, Sam, spent the afternoon last Wednesday. Talk about memories of doll-making, shows, business talk and just plain comraderie! I realize that I need to find more time to spend with people who mean a lot to me....even during the busy times!
I had my dear friend Karen for coffee. It's always so good to catch up with an old friend. So many memories~
Another friend, fellow doll-artist, Sam, spent the afternoon last Wednesday. Talk about memories of doll-making, shows, business talk and just plain comraderie! I realize that I need to find more time to spend with people who mean a lot to me....even during the busy times!
This month brings our Ella's First Holy Communion, Mother's Day, a 92nd birthday for my mom, another trip to our place in Hilton Head....and lots of new designs for our shop.
That being said...Rosie and I have been in the studio since 5 am, and I've had several cups of coffee. Jim has left for the office....and Jeff, who stayed after the birthday celebration to work on their rental property while Jackie took the kids home....is snoring peacefully in bed. You know....they're never too old to make you feel happy when they're home!
Have a beautiful May Day wherever you are in this world!
Carol and Rosie~
Carol and Rosie~
Thursday, April 12, 2012
~Friday Blessings and A Coupon Code~

Though Easter 2012 is over...the fond memories remain...along with some very purple tongues!
Yup....it's been crazy-busy around here! The grandkids are still in Hilton Head enjoying all the sea and sun. We're here in Ohio 'suffering' through our wonderful unpredictable spring weather of sunshine and warm temps.....to snow! BUT...it's melted now, the sun is shining....and we're busy filling Mother's Day orders here at RoseCreekCottage!
Speaking of Mother's Day, use Coupon Code MD12 at Checkout on our website for Free Shipping for all those Mother's Day goodies! ***THIS ONE WILL NOT WORK ON ETSY.....JUST OUR WEBSITE THIS TIME***
~a visit from Jim's sister Mary Ellen, her husband, Pete, and nephew Mike and his girlfriend, Christine. We had such a good time with all of them and hated to see them leave!
~we're ready to hire yet more assistants in the studio. Yay!!
~the kitchen renovations are ALL done...and we love it all...from the new cabinets, the granite, the fixtures. God is good!
~having lunch today with my dear friend, Jennifer Li. Stop by her website for some darling goodies!
~Dreaming of being back at Hilton Head. Soon!!

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