As many of my blog readers know, I was looking forward to 'sleeping' my way through January. After a heavy show schedule and Christmas with our family....I was exhausted. Isn't it funny that sometimes the things you WANT, really aren't the things you need! As soon as January began, it gained a frenzied momentum that my life usually takes on: the pace I've come to realize is my 'normal'. I thrive on it. I may complain about it, but it's my life....and I love it~
I began rereading Julia Cameron's
Walking in this World. She's the author of
The Artist's Way, The Vein of Gold, and
The Right to Write. I highly recommend them all. One of the questions she asks the reader is: What makes you grounded? You're to write down 10 things that do. Hmmmmmmm. I thought this would be difficult. It wasn't!! Right there at the top of my list was: an organized house and studio. I was in trouble. So I set off to organize everything....kitchen cupboards, drawers, closets....and finally: my two studios. Not a job for the faint-hearted. But oh....the results are SO worth the pain!! I am now the proud owner of beautifully organized spaces to live and work.
Next on the list: redecorating and updating parts of the home we built 25 years ago! Pictures to follow~
Have a glorious week....even if it's as cold and snowy as it is here in Ohio~