Monday, February 14, 2011
~Happy St. Valentine's Day 2011~

Thursday, February 10, 2011
~Farewell, Fawnie...Til We Meet Again~

Dear Dad, Take good care of my puppies. You now have both of them with you in heaven. Fawnie was so sick. I know that now, he is running through the green fields, ears flying in the wind, with Coconut.
Remember when Tommy saved his birthday money to buy him?? He loved that puppy. sigh.
We are taking time to mourn his loss. He was such good company to me this last year without Coconut. He was always right by my side while I worked. He hated the 'pounding' when I hammered the silver jewelry, though! Maybe Jim will come home from work one nite and meet a new puppy. We'll see!
Katie came yesterday and spent the afternoon with me. It helped a lot. She's a smart cookie for a little Amish girl!!!
For now, I will spend more time with Mom, and take some time to do some traveling. It's the first time in 36 years that I'm not responsible for anyone else: first the boys, then the dogs, then you and mom, then just mom, then one dog....now? I don't like this feeling.
Mom's alzheimer's is still the same: she knows who we are, feeds herself with a little help, can't walk or stand, and still only speaks an occasional word or two. But I know you already know that.
Aunt Grace is there with her, too. She's not doing well, either. They eat all their meals together. It's heartwarming to watch. Who knew they'd both end up there together!
I bet you're golfing everyday. And still rooting for the Browns, and as you used to say, "How 'bout them Indians?"!!!
I miss you horribly, Dad.
xoxoxoxoxox To Heaven and Back~
Your Loving Daughter~xoxoxoxox

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
~February Blessings~

Among those blessings are my appreciation of the strides modern medicine's taken over the past few decades. My doctor sent me for a CAT scan to try and determine why I had such a hard time fighting off the pneumonia and bronchitis that invaded my body from October to the end of December. (couldn't have had anything to do with working 16 hr. days filling orders, now, could it??) Everything was normal there. However....they saw a mass near my pancreas. An MRI and several ultra-sounds later, it was determined I have a splenal aneurysm that my body miraculously calcified. It re-routed the blood to different arteries, in essence, saving my life! You can imagine how many prayers and rosaries I said over the past 6 weeks. I want to thank everyone who was said some 'heavy duty' prayers for a good outcome. As I've said many times before....prayers DO work!
And now it's back to life as I know it. RoseCreekCottage Studio is humming away. I'm busy filling Valentine's Day orders, re-organizing studio space, and creating new designs for 2011. My Heirloom Collection of hand stamped sterling jewelry has grown much faster than I had imagined, and I'm busy trying to figure out how to continue its growth this year, along with freeing some of my personal time so I can spend it by the sea...and with my grandbabies!!
With coffee in hand.....I'm off to the studio...which is one of my favorite places on earth~
Have a beautiful day, wherever you are in the world~

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