There's a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called "Fingerprints", that goes: "I can see the fingerprints of God Tonite we're going to Winter Jam Fest, with our son, Tom, and his girlfriend, Amy. Jam Fest is a concert given by a group of Christian artists, hosted by NewSong. Brandon Heath, who sings, "Give Me Your Eyes", which is one of my favorite songs, will be one of the artists taking part. Those words just really speak to my heart. Certainly his music is touched by the FingerPrints of God, as is all the music of the artists' we'll hear tonite. To quote Brandon about why he wrote this song: "The song was inspired from the idea that every once in a while, God gives us His eyes. You tend to see a lot of different kinds of people in places like airports. Sometimes, usually only for a few moments, I feel like God gives me true compassion for those people around me. I think that the longer I get to know the character of Jesus, the more compassion I personally have for others. “Give Me Your Eyes” is saying, “Jesus, give me Your eyes so that I can see people the way You see people, so I can love people the way You love people.” One of the core goals of my ministry is focused on striking up conversations about social injustices around the world and being a voice for those who have often been silenced by poverty or lack of influence. I want to challenge people more. “Give Me Your Eyes” does that. It is one thing to have compassion and quite another to act on it. Most times, it starts with the people around you." –Brandon Heath
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God."
Lyrics | Brandon Heath lyrics - Give Me Your Eyes lyrics
Here's the You Tube Link.
Take a peak at Beki's blog to see links to more Fingerprints.
Have a blessed Friday....wherever you are in the world today!