~Christmas Blessings to all our dear friends near and far from all of us here at RoseCreekCottage~
Photos: Our newest grand-daughter, Emilia Bay 8 mos.
Such a successful Heirloom Collection launch that I’m now shipping into November!
A dear, loving husband who proclaimed at the end of each show day: “I LOVE spending time with you at these shows”. My business wouldn’t be the success it is without him. He is my manager in charge of everything and anything I hate….which includes organizing the set-up and dismantling of the booths, handling the money, the master charges, the phone calls, supplies, the business ‘stuffs’. He sat last nite for many hours submitting master cards for me. I love you, Jim. Xoxoxoxoxoxox
Sarah….my little ‘Dog-Sitter Extraordinaire’ who gives Fawn the attention he needs while we’re at shows. Hugs to you, Sarah~
Little Amish Katie….who’s back in our lives again on a full-time basis….dancing and singing hymns as she works! Katie…..what can I say? It’s been 18 years since you ‘danced’ into our lives. She calms me down and has an incredible ability to keep me organized…which is no small feat!!
My artist ‘show’ friends who have kept us laughing through 20+ years of shows, lunches, and emails. Shows just wouldn’t be the same without them....especially to Paul and Jen….for keeping Jim on his toes....and to Pat for all the lunches, the laughter and the tears for the past 30 (!!) years.
My sweet customers who follow from show-to-show, always stopping to chat (and buy!).
Mom.....Who actually looked up at me yesterday, said my name aloud and SMILED!!! Small miracles.
My Sister....who at 55 years of age, retired from her 'first' career, and started her second career yesterday as a Reading Specialist. You GO Toots!!!
Last, but most important: God….who has blessed me with so many gifts, and continually guides me on this journey. To Him goes all the Glory~
I’m off to the studio, coffee cup in hand, to make more Cheeky Monkeys, Witchy Women, Vintage Hares, and charm bracelets for my next show: The Nutcracker Sweets, in Aurora, OH, Oct. 15-16.
"I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God."
God's fingerprints continue to show themselves throughout our lives. For Jim and I, we started out "just the two of us", and after raising two boys, it's "just the two of us" again.
Some people think this 'empty nesting' is sad. There are parts that are. But now, it's time for us again....just the way God had us start out. Here we are again like we were in the beginning.....full circle.
Today we head to our place at the ocean....no kids, no 'friends' of kids, no moms, no grandchildren. Will we miss them? You bet! We'll miss the sandcastles, the banana pancakes, eating chinese food around the coffee table, board games, piles of wet beach towels, little sandy toes and bottoms. Yes....we'll miss them. Will we still enjoy ourselves?? OH yeah!!
We've been taking these trips to the island for 18 years. And whenever we were about to cross the bridge to the island, we listened to Carly Simon's "Never Been Gone":
The wind is coming up strong and fast
And the moon is smiling on me
Miles from nowhere so small at last
In between the sky and the sea
I'm bound for the island
The tide is with me
I think I can make it before dawn
It's night on the ocean
I'm going home
And it feels like I've never
I've never been gone
Seagulls cry and the hills are green
And my friends are waiting for me
Great ambition is all a dream
Let me drown my pride in the sea -
I'm bound for the ocean
The tide is with me
I think I can make it by dawn
It's night on the ocean
I'm going home
And it feels like I've never
I've never been gone
Oh it feels like I've never
I've never been gone
And that is just the way it always feels: like we’ve never been gone.
After watching the sun rise and set over the ocean, long walks on the beach, lots of talking, bike rides, shopping, lots of fresh lobster and crab.....many margaritas and pina coladas later……just the two of us....we’ll be ready to ‘rejoin’ the hustle-bustle of life back home once again.
After leaving our island retreat, we’re headed to meet our new grand-daughter, who is due to arrive (via caesarean section) on April 29th. Talk about Fingerprints!! Life doesn’t get much better than this~
Have a beautiful week….wherever you are in this world~