Sunday, December 2, 2012

~First Sunday In December~

~Coffee with Jim to plan our week

~Mass....Advent. Saying great prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessings that God bestowed on us in November
~A stop at the Antiques Shoppe in town to purchase a special surprise for 
our grandbabies
~Baking Christmas Cookies....filling the house with smells of home, my 
children, and long-ago childhood Christmases


~Christmas music all day

~Dancing with Rosie: her tongue comes out & you can just SEE her smile
~A fire and hot chocolate

~A day OUT of the studio....just for today: rest. Thank you, God~


Kat said...

Sounds absolutely lovely. :)

Dolores said...

So many beautiful blessings!!

Ballerina Girl said...

Hi Carol

Yes, I am back to my blog world and enjoying being back!
I can imagine how busy you must be right now with Christmas orders. Just wanted you to know that
I wish you a beautiful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rosie is so cute!!