Tom and Jim just left to golf, and having walked into the house with his laundry in tow, Tom threw the loads into the washer and dryer and headed (per usual!) out the door. And here I am, folding my boy-man's laundry once again, and wondering if it will be the last time I will ever have the pleasure (yup...you heard me correctly, Lord) of doing it again?
Next year, he'll be married, and will have a new 'woman' to help him with it. Not me. I will no longer look at the stacks of 'not-too-white' whites, wondering why in tarnation he didn't throw bleach in with the load I'm folding! As his mom, it's no longer my responsibility. Another job taken away from me. Another job I was initially relieved to be rid of, only to find myself mourning its loss in the end. How foolish I was.
And so Lord, I once again thank you for giving me this child, this son you blessed us with. This Child of God who has blossomed into a beautiful adult in his own rite. And thank you, Lord, for lending him to me for the short while I had him under my wing. I have a feeling you approve of the job his father and I have done. He's grown into a fine young man.
P.S. I promise never to complain about doing laundry again. But about that ironing.....
Beautiful!! You know laundry is one of the chores I really don't mind doing. I think because everything is fresh, clean and folded!
This made me cry. :) Thanks for the reminder.
Awwwww. Bittersweet. Yay for less laundry, but one less connection.
Amen girlfriend...amen.
Beautifully said.
I so enjoyed this post. I have a long way to go and MANY piles of laundry to fold until I can say the same. It really made me think, as I read your words, just how important the little things are in life.
Dearest Carol, I'm sorry it's been so long since I last visited...as always, your site is absolutely inspiring...and so like home!!!! I've been enjoying catching up with your last several posts...they are beautiful...I love the Stephen Curtis Chapman song...and what a lovely photo at the baccalaureate!!! I have been too busy as of late, with company etc. That is obvious to me when I see how many of your wonderful posts that I have missed. I am taking a blogging break now, but I promise to be a better friend when I return!!! Love to you, and your family!!! God bless you, my friend! ~Janine XO
You are funny! This post was great, but I do not think I will ever regret not having to do laundry!
Maybe one day, who knows!
Your trip looked like it was fun in the sun!
I have been absent for a little while, excuse the absence!
Thank you for the reminder. Socks are the thing that I always dread.
Oh, how I can relate to this one....
It was nice to come and "catch up" on your blog .... been so crazy, I haven't had time to soak in your wisdom and insight ♥
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